
  1. Bannister, Michele T.; Schwamb, Megan E.; Fraser, Wesley C.; Marsset, Michael; Fitzsimmons, Alan; Benecchi, Susan D.; Lacerda, Pedro; Pike, Rosemary E.; Kavelaars, J. J.; Smith, Adam B.; Stewart, Sunny O.; Wang, Shiang-Yu; Lehner, Matthew J., Col-OSSOS: Colors of the Interstellar Planetesimal 1I/‘Oumuamua, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 851, Issue 2, article id. L38, 7 pp. (2017) [ ADS ]
  2. Pike, Rosemary E.; Fraser, Wesley C.; Schwamb, Megan E.; Kavelaars, J. J.; Marsset, Michael; Bannister, Michele T.; Lehner, Matthew J.; Wang, Shiang-Yu; Alexandersen, Mike; Chen, Ying-Tung; Gladman, Brett J.; Gwyn, Stephen; Petit, Jean-Marc; Volk, Kathryn, Col-OSSOS: z-Band Photometry Reveals Three Distinct TNO Surface Types, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, Issue 3, article id. 101, 8 pp. (2017) [ ADS ]
  3. Fraser, Wesley C.; Bannister, Michele T.; Pike, Rosemary E.; Marsset, Michael; Schwamb, Megan E.; Kavelaars, J. J.; Lacerda, Pedro; Nesvorný, David; Volk, Kathryn; Delsanti, Audrey; Benecchi, Susan; Lehner, Matthew J.; Noll, Keith; Gladman, Brett; Petit, Jean-Marc; Gwyn, Stephen; Chen, Ying-Tung; Wang, Shiang-Yu; Alexandersen, Mike; Burdullis, Todd; Sheppard, Scott; Trujillo, Chad, All planetesimals born near the Kuiper belt formed as binaries, Nature Astronomy, Volume 1, id. 0088 (2017) [ ADS ]
  4. Fraser, Wesley; Alexandersen, Mike; Schwamb, Megan E.; Marsset, Michaël; Pike, Rosemary E.; Kavelaars, J. J.; Bannister, Michele T.; Benecchi, Susan; Delsanti, Audrey, TRIPPy: Trailed Image Photometry in Python, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 151, Issue 6, article id. 158, 7 pp. (2016) [ ADS ] (Available from PyPI)